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Africa Development Indicators 2006

absolute terms accountability accounting agricultural sector Agriculture Aid annual growth annual growth rate average growth average growth rate banks capital flows capital investment capitalization CD child mortality citizen citizens civil society competitiveness debt debt relief Developed countries developing country developing regions Development Assistance Development Economics Development Goals DEVELOPMENT INDICATORS development partners development policies Development Report development strategies diseases dissemination diversification domestic savings economic activity economic complementarity economic conditions economic development economic efficiency economic groupings economic growth economic performance economic progress economic reforms economies of scale emerging markets enterprise development environmental sustainability exchange rate exports external shocks extreme poverty financial commitments Financial deepening financial development Financial reform Financial sector financial sectors financial services financial systems fiscal deficits food aid foreign direct investment Gambia gaps gender equality global markets Gross domestic product Gross domestic product growth Gross domestic product per capita Gross fixed capital formation Gross national income Gross national savings growth process growth rate growth rates high growth Household Welfare human capital Human development imports improving governance Improving infrastructure income poverty inflation infrastructure investment interest rates international community International Development International trade Investment climate landlocked countries large number of people legal status legislation liquidity macroeconomic management malaria market capitalization maternal health migration Millennium Development Goal Millennium Development Goals multilateral trade national accounts national development national income national strategies nutrition official development assistance output growth peace Peer Review per capita growth political support poor governance poverty line poverty reduction power outages price increases primary education product differentiation productivity growth property rights public expenditure quota rents real GDP real income real interest rates reducing inflation reducing poverty reform programs regional organizations regulatory framework resource allocations rich countries rural development sanitation service delivery significant reductions standard deviation Sub-Saharan Africa sustainable growth tariff barriers technical capacity telecommunications telephone penetration The total costs total factor productivity Trade barriers trade blocs trade flows trade negotiations trade shocks transport Transportation universal primary education value added vulnerability wars World Trade Organization

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More Details

Washington, DC: World Bank
Africa | Africa
2013-02-20T16:15:01Z | 2013-02-20T16:15:01Z | 2006-09

Africa Development Indicators 2006 is the latest annual report from the World Bank on social and economic conditions across the continent. It was revamped this year to better report and monitor the challenges and transformations in Africa. Africa Development Indicators has evolved from a single data book, and this year consists of three independent but complementary products: this book, which brings together an essay and key outcome indicators for Africa, the Little Data Book on Africa 2006, and the World Bank Africa Database (CD-ROM).


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