Ce guide fournit des conseils pratiques sur l’amélioration des méthodes existantes d'enregistrement des droits, afin que les avantages et les protections offerts par les systèmes d'enregistrement soient accessibles à tous sans discrimination. Il donne des orientations sur l’application des principes et pratiques des «Directives volontaires pour une gouvernance resp...
This paper studies whether the policies that, over the past decades, liberalized bankingsystems around the world have resulted in deeper credit markets. To measure banking sectorreforms we use a new index that tracks policy changes in five separate areas for 91 countriesover 1973-2005. We find that reforms have led to financial deepening, but only in countrieswith ...
This paper studies whether the policies that, over the past decades, liberalized bankingsystems around the world have resulted in deeper credit markets. To measure banking sectorreforms we use a new index that tracks policy changes in five separate areas for 91 countriesover 1973-2005. We find that reforms have led to financial deepening, but only in countrieswith ...
This paper studies whether the policies that, over the past decades, liberalized bankingsystems around the world have resulted in deeper credit markets. To measure banking sectorreforms we use a new index that tracks policy changes in five separate areas for 91 countriesover 1973-2005. We find that reforms have led to financial deepening, but only in countrieswith ...
This guide provides practical advice on how to improve existing ways to record rights so that the benefits and protections offered by recording systems can be available to all without discrimination. It gives guidance on how to apply the principles and practices of the “Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in t...