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Africa Development Indicators 2007

accountability Adult literacy Agriculture Annual change annual growth anticorruption armed conflict Average growth average incomes Benchmarking budget deficits Building skills Business environment capital accumulation capital investment CD child mortality common property common property resources communication technology comparative advantage competition policy competitive exchange competitive exchange rate competitiveness Consumer price index contract enforcement country case crime Crises debt debt relief Dependency ratio developing countries developing regions development assistance Development Economics Development Indicators development policies Development Report diseases dissemination domestic savings Economic Activity economic conditions economic growth economic instability Economic Outlook economic performance economic policy empirical evidence environmental environmental sustainability epidemic exchange rate exchange rates export growth exports extreme poverty farms fertility financial commitments Financial sector fisheries foreign direct investment future growth GDP GDP deflator GDP per capita gender equality Gender parity Gini coefficient Global Development global economy global markets governance indicators Government effectiveness Gross domestic product Gross domestic product deflator Gross domestic product growth Gross domestic product per capita Gross fixed capital formation Gross national income Gross national savings growth performance growth prospects growth rates health insurance Health outcomes high growth high population growth high volatility HIV Household welfare human capital Human development Improvements in management Improving infrastructure individual countries inequities Infant Infant mortality infant mortality rate infrastructure investment institutional capacity International trade Investment climate Labor force labor market Labor productivity land productivity landlocked countries legal status life expectancy live births long-run growth long-term growth low-income countries macroeconomic instability macroeconomic management malaria maternal health mean Growth measles metals migration Millennium Development Goal Millennium Development Goals Monetary Economics mortality levels national accounts national development national income National policies natural disasters natural resources Official development assistance oil oil exporters output growth per capita growth per capita income Per capita incomes policy reforms political instability Political stability poor countries poor growth poor health poor people populous countries Poverty Reduction Poverty Reduction Strategy present value primary school Private sector development producers production costs productivity Productivity growth progress promoting growth property rights public institutions public policy purchasing power purchasing power parity real GDP Regulatory quality remittances rich countries richer countries Rule of law rural areas rural development rural poverty sanitation savings secondary education secondary enrollment secondary enrollment rates secondary school secondary schools social outcomes spread of AIDS Structural Change structural characteristics Structural policies tariff barriers Telecommunications Telephones temporary migration Terms of trade tertiary education total costs total factor productivity trade blocs trade policy transaction costs Transportation treaties tuberculosis unions universal primary education urban areas value added vulnerability wages wars water management water resources

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More Details

Washington, DC
Africa | Africa
2013-02-14T20:32:58Z | 2013-02-14T20:32:58Z | 2008

The Africa Development Indicators 2007 essay explores the patterns of growth in Sub- Saharan Africa over the past three decades. It finds that the volatility of growth-an outcome of conflict, governance, and world commodity prices-has been greater than in any other region. Volatility has dampened expectations and investments-and has obscured some periods of good performance for some countries. The essay shows that pickups in growth were seldom sustained- indeed, that they were often followed by ferocious declines, and hence, Africa's flat economic performance over 1975-2005. The essay shows that avoiding economic declines is as important as promoting growth. Indeed, it may be more important for the poor, who gain less during the growth pickups and suffer more during the declines. The essay discusses a key question for economic policymakers in Africa: how best to sustain pickups in growth and its benefits. The Africa Development Indicators suite of products is designed to provide all those interested in Africa with a set of indicators to monitor development outcomes in the region and is an important reference tool for those who want a better understanding of the economic and social developments occurring in Africa.


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