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UNESCO IIEP | Gichuhi, Loise | Kalista, Jane
42 pages | Electronic | online resource

In Kenya, when schools and universities closed in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly 18 million Kenyan learners were affected, putting at stake the significant gains the Government has made to providing inclusive quality education. This analysis sheds light on the central question: What facilitates government leadership in crisis and risk management in education and how can humanitarian and development actors more effectively support the Ministry of Education (MoE) in Kenya to lead effective education services delivery during crises? It aims to identify the factors that enable and constrain MoE engagement and leadership in crisis management and provide insight into the conditions and approaches that facilitated MoE leadership and engagement in crisis management in the context of COVID-19. It concludes with policy recommendations to help orient efforts to strengthen crisis management in Kenya in the future.


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