This report summarizes the findings of the Uganda Sustainable Land Management Public Expenditure Review (SLM PER). The SLM PER was undertaken to achieve six main objectives: (i) establish a robust data base on SLM-related public expenditure that can support credible empirical analysis; (ii) develop a sound methodology for conducting SLM PERs, which could guide similar work in the future; (iii) analyze the level and composition of SLM spending in the recent past; (iv) identify potential entry points for public support based on the concept of development pathways; (v) understand the institutional arrangements for coordination on SLM issues; and (vi) draw policy recommendations for the land use sector. Overall the SLM PER aims at informing the current policy dialogue with and within Uganda and thereby contributing to the development of a common national strategy for the efficient and effective scale-up of SLM interventions. The review is expected to provide important input to: (i) the on-going Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) process, including the SLM Country Strategic Investment Framework (CSIF); and (ii) the Ugandan SLM Country Program that will be supported by the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through TerrAfrica. Uganda is preparing a CSIF with the goal of establishing a country-led operational roadmap for developing a sequenced program of SLM interventions. The PER is among the recommended diagnostic tools for CSlF preparation and SLM awareness building. In general, this analytical work complements the on-going Agriculture PER in Uganda.
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