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Working Paper

Basic Requirements for Public Participation in Kenya’s Legal Framework

citizen involvement deficit public interest annual report budget cycle governor disclosure of information accounting government finances urbanization financial management annual reports budget proposal laws budget estimates government local governments citizen access politicians information programs services revenues public outreach accountability mechanisms public involvement financial statements budget policy statement parliament cities county governments civil society organizations public financial management legislative requirements municipalities budget accountability framework strategic priorities social service legislative framework appropriation public funds public finance management citizen participation civil society budget documents recurrent expenditures budget policy debt legislation public finance representatives budget documentation capital expenditure loans service delivery article subsidies legal framework finance performance management system grants public public investment access to information expenditure devolution financial transparency fiscal performance audited financial statements accountability appropriations transparency budget process provisions public expenditure participation delivery of services national government public accounts budgets public budget reports urban areas expenditures decision making participatory process public expenditure tracking national audit private sector national budget expenditure tracking citizen engagement treasury management public engagement budget information taxation budget circular freedom of information annual budget public consultation public participation electorate allocation policy making citizen complaints decentralization revenue borrowing fiscal strategy governors public authorities policy formulation fees institutional framework budget review public service governments public meetings election performance management financial reports service providers public goods

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More Details

World Bank Group, Washington, DC
Africa | Kenya
2015-04-01T21:10:47Z | 2015-04-01T21:10:47Z | 2015-02

Kenya has embarked on a highly ambitious decentralization that seeks to fundamentally change the relationship between government and citizens under the 2010 Constitution. The Constitution and new legal framework place a strong emphasis on strengthening public participation. This working paper seeks to distill key provisions in the legislative framework related to transparency, accountability and participation in county government, in particular the planning and budgeting cycle, and present them in a format that is useful for county planners, executive and assembly members. It can be used as a guide for how counties can interface with citizens based on Kenya’s legislative framework.


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