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Working Paper

Building Public Participation in Kenya’s Devolved Government

public officials participatory approaches advocacy budget cycle focus group economic growth local authorities participants consultation bribery civil servants civic organizations financial management intended beneficiaries performance monitoring village income performance criteria target groups consultative process good governance services community scorecards discrimination preparation civil society actors local governance accountability mechanisms budget transparency budget literacy focus group discussions incentives capacity building governance problems parliament social accountability initiatives corruption misuse of funds stakeholder involvement national level budget formulation beneficiaries oversight access to health mobilization civil society organizations community participation credibility enabling environment poverty reduction civic education collaboration community members accountability systems institutions social service participatory processes auditor general performance indicators feasibility contracts citizen participation civil society participatory planning citizen community leaders citizen groups budget analysis markets local government policy cycle international development governance indicators civic engagement access indicators public hearings service delivery social development rule of law public contracts marginalized groups grants project design participation mechanisms access to information grant accountability transparency best practices budget process participation survey constitutional bodies citizen feedback stakeholders consultations social accountability public awareness social accountability mechanisms citizen expectations decision making constructive engagement corruption trends regulatory quality regulation citizen engagement citizens human rights commission participatory tools governance local community budget information human rights project implementation pra social audit security effective participation systematic assessments social audits collaborative research public sector performance investment climate public participation public finances poverty partners business environment local participation community ownership facilitators government service providers stakeholder community primary education budget preparation public accountability budget priorities outreach transport costs public sector management governance outcomes stakeholder engagement participatory projects community radio service auditing service providers human development public service delivery growth

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More Details

World Bank Group, Washington, DC
Africa | Kenya
2015-04-01T20:55:48Z | 2015-04-01T20:55:48Z | 2015-02

Kenya has embarked on a highly ambitious decentralization that seeks to fundamentally change the relationship between government and citizens under the 2010 Constitution. The Constitution and new legal framework place a strong emphasis on strengthening public participation. This paper summarizes findings and analysis from five working papers and case studies reviewing opportunities and challenges for strengthening public participation in Kenya’s newly decentralized system. It provides a consolidated list of recommendations emerging from all the working papers.


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