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Communiqué of the 1130th Meeting of the Peace and Security Council, Held on 10 January 2023, on Consideration of the Conclusions of the 9th High-Level Seminar on Peace and Security in Africa.

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Political Affairs, Peace and Security (PAPS)
African Union Commission
PSC/PR/COMM.1130 (2023)

The Council adopted the Conclusions of the 9th High-Level Seminar on Peace and Security in Africa held in Oran, Algeria, from 7 to 9 December 2022. The Council also encouraged the newly configured A3, namely, Gabon, Ghana and Mozambique, to maintain the current momentum, preserve the gains made thus far, and to continue strengthening their unity and coordination, with a view to more effectively amplifying and spearheading the African voice on peace and security issues of interest and concern to Africa, within the decision-making process of the UN Security Council


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