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Communiqué of the 1209th Meeting of the Peace and Security Council held on 18 April 2024, on Briefing on the Security Situation in the Gulf of Guinea- Robust Response to Combat Maritime Insecurity and Piracy.

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Political Affairs, Peace and Security (PAPS)
African Union Commission
PSC/PR/COMM.1209.1 (2024)

The Council expressed concern over the growing insecurity posed by illicit activities in the Gulf of Guinea and called for the prosecution of those who perpetrate, encourage, finance or facilitate such criminal activities. The Council reiterated the need for (i) increased collaboration with regional partners, enhanced intelligence sharing, joint operations, and joint implementation of robust counter-terrorism measures to safeguard the Gulf of Guinea and to maintain regional stability; and (ii) the concerned Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms (RECs/RMs) and the Gulf of Guinea Commission to further strengthen cooperation on maritime safety and security in the region. The Council also called on Member States of the Gulf of Guinea region, which have not yet done so, to sign and ratify all regional instruments, as well as to harmonize their national legal frameworks. Lastly, the Council reiterated the need (i) for the AU Commission to expedite the activation of the Committee of the Heads of African Navies and Coastguards (CHANS), and the convening of the inaugural meeting of the Committee; and (ii) to establish within the AU Commission, a coordination mechanism and/or Unit on Maritime Security.


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