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Communiqué of the 1191st Meeting of the Peace and Security Council, held on 17 January 2024, on the Consideration of the Conclusions of the Third Joint Retreat of the PSC of the AU and the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM).

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Strengthening Diversity Management in Africa as an effective Response to Governance, Peace and Security Challenges in Africa.
Political Affairs, Peace and Security (PAPS)
African Union Commission
PSC/PR/COMM.1191 (2024)

Council adopted the Conclusions of the Third Joint Retreat of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union and the African Peer Review Mechanism; and requests the AU Commission and APRM Continental Secretariat to ensure the implementation of the Conclusions. Council requested the AU Commission and the APRM Continental Secretariat to prepare the matrix of the status of the implementation of the Conclusions for the consideration and adoption by the Council. APRM was further requested to re-examine its methodology in country reviews to ensure that reviewed countries do not relapse into conflict; (ii) timely submit early warning reports for the consideration of the Council in order to timely respond to predicted emergence of conflict; and work in collaboration with the AU Commission, to accompany countries in political transition and provide necessary support towards a swift return to democratic order and constitutionalism. Finally, Council decided to hold the Fourth Joint Retreat at a date to be jointly agreed upon, focusing mainly on early warning and areas.


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