Robust legal frameworks and migration management measures in Ethiopia and Kenya give these countries a strong basis for effective migration governance consistent with the rule of law. However, some policy improvements are needed, along with more consistent implementation and better protection of migrants’ rights. Filling these gaps is vital if Ethiopia and Kenya are to advance their role in continental migration governance.
About the authors
Margaret Monyani is a Senior Researcher on migration at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS).
Adamnesh Bogale is an Assistant Professor at the Addis Ababa University and an ISS Consultant.
Monyani and Bogale are the primary authors of this report, and jointly conducted the field research in Ethiopia and Kenya.
Ottilia Anna Maunganidze is the Head of Special Projects at the ISS and manages the ISS Migration programme.
Image: © LAPSSET Corridor Program / Government of Kenya
Filling the gaps in Ethiopia and Kenya’s notable migration efforts will advance their role in Africa’s migration governance.
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