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Washington, DC
Africa Eastern and Southern (AFE) | Africa | Africa | Uganda
2022-11-03T19:43:12Z | 2022-11-03T19:43:12Z | 2021

New shocks hit the Ugandan economy in 2022, just as it was recovering as the COVID-19 pandemic waned and related mobility restrictions were fully removed. Commodity price surges and disruptions to trade and supply chains because of the war in Ukraine worsened a global economy that was dragging under the weight of new waves of COVID-19 in some regions and unwinding of stimulus policies. The outlook for Uganda is now one of slower GDP growth with increased vulnerabilities, including in household incomes and food security. The authorities face the challenge to maintain a delicate balance between policies required to support and sustain a growth acceleration and ensuring stability otherwise the start-stop recovery as shocks evolve, will make it impossible for Uganda to build back better.


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