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World Bank, Washington, DC
Africa Western and Central (AFW) | Africa | Congo, Democratic Republic of
2022-10-11T18:44:26Z | 2022-10-11T18:44:26Z | 2022-10

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is the largest country in sub-Saharan Africa, by area. The country has a long history of conflict, political upheaval, and instability and has a very high poverty rate despite its abundance of natural resources. Mortality and fertility rates in DRC are among the highest in the world. The Health System Strengthening for Better Maternal and Child Health Result Project (PDSS – Le Projet de Développement du Système de Santé) was launched in 2015 with the objective of improving utilization and quality of maternal and child health services in eleven provinces of out of the provinces in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The main component of the project is the implementation of a provider payment system reform through Performance-Based Financing (PBF), launched in the end of 2016. Contracted health facilities receive quarterly payments conditional on the volumes of targeted services provided and on quality of care. The objective of this impact evaluation is to assess whether the PBF approach impacts utilization and quality of primary health services, in comparison to equivalent amounts of unconditional financing. The rational for comparing outcomes produced by facilities implementing PBF to those produced by facilities who receive equivalent amounts of unconditional financing is to isolate the impact of the PBF incentive mechanisms from the direct impact of the additional resources received through the program.


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