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Africa No Filter
Johannesburg , South Africa
Roberts, Sandra (Dr.) | Houten, Albert van | Mothapo, Jessica | Neocosmos, Zoe | Merwe, Nadia van der | Wael, Farah | Namwezi, Douce
56p.; ill

Coverage of African countries in African media not only serves to inform readers what is happening on the continent but may also shape perspectives about the continent and countries therein.In order to explore the coverage of African countries as it appeared in African media and editors’ views on the coverage, Africa No Filter (ANF) commissioned this research. The research took a three-pronged approach: media was selected and reviewed from 15 countries and the editors of these publications surveyed for their opinions on how African countries cover other African countries. The publications were drawn from all regions: North, Southern, West, Central and East Africa. In total, 56 media were included in these components of the study – the most influential media in each country. These quantitative methods were complemented by focus groups with editors, journalists and foreign correspondents from Ethiopia, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda, The focus groups sought to help understand which African stories – negative and positive – are prioritised by editors, how story frames are used and what ideas could help shift narratives. In total, 25 people participated in focus groups.


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