The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought hardship, disruptions and much pain in our lives. 2021 has been a challenging year, and the costs of this pandemic will be felt for many decades. African development systems will never be the same after COVID-19. They cannot be. We must emerge with greater resilience than ever before to confront and overcome the challenges borne or exacerbated by the pandemic and future crises. It must not be business as usual. I am proud of and inspired by how the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) has risen to meet these challenges over the last 12 months – with agility, resilience and commitment. As an institution, we have made continuous improvements as a development agency and most importantly, for those we serve. 2021 was also a remarkable year. We expanded our footprint in all AU Member States and moved with speed and scale to respond to the COVID-19 health crisis quickly and efficiently with programmes and resources redirected to face the emergency to save lives. We also dealt with the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 at the community level, nationally and regionally, to preserve lives and secure livelihoods. Our signature solutions aim to respond to the effects of the pandemic and focus on three priority areas: Health Systems, Food Systems and Economic Growth and Jobs. These plans and actions are designed to realise Agenda 2063 and keep on track with the momentum of its Ten-Year Implementation Plan. 2021 was an anniversary year for us – 20 years of NEPAD – and the occasion for retrospection and prospection on Africa’s development trajectory. The presence of COVID-19, unwelcome as it is, gives us a fresh impetus to reflect on the vision and values of NEPAD as an engine for regional integration, inclusive growth and shared prosperity in Africa. A global pandemic such as COVID-19 exposes, in a stark manner, the undeniable interconnectivity of our world and should not cause countries to pull away and revert back into practices of isolationism and xenophobia. Instead, this challenge presents an opportunity for Africa to stand in greater solidarity between African countries and between Africa and the rest of the world. With greater conviction and action than ever before, we must reaffirm our commitment to regional integration and work towards the goals and targets of Agenda 2063. This year has taught us many valuable lessons, and I am confident that as a development agency we will emerge from this pandemic strengthened. I hope that 2021, albeit challenging, leaves us with positive memories of what we have achieved.
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