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Corruption and Development in Africa : Lessons from country case studies


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AUC Library
Palgrave Macmillan
New York
Chikulo, Bornwell C.
xiv, 316p.
0-3122-2387-0 (HC)

In recent years, there has emerged a heightened recognition of the negative impact of the pandemic of corruption in Africa and its ensuing negative consequences on the socio-economic development process, as well as its corrosive impact on society and on the fledgling democratization process. Corruption is shown to be linked to the climate of unethical leadership and bad governance which have contributed numerous opportunities for it (corruption) to become a pandemic. Corruption in Africa is now receiving serious international attention. Increasingly, the issue has come to the fore as a problem of concern expressed by Western donor countries and international organizations. Consequently, not only has corruption been moved to the top of the policy reform agenda but a high premium has also been placed on combating it. Controlling and eradicating corruption has, therefore, taken on even greater significance in the quest for development in Africa.


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