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We have finished them': Ritual killing and war-doctoring in Kwazulu-Natal during the 1980s and 1990s


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AUC Library
Taylor & Francis Group
Africa | Southern Africa

Muthi, intelezi and associated rituals have played an important role in the lives of Africans for many centuries. For almost everything they do, muthi and rituals are applied, more so during times of war. Controversy around the use of intelezi, muthi, ritual killing and the role of izinyanga in, prior to and during the colonial period, is well documented. This paper, first, challenges the Comaroffian analysis of the subject which purports to contextualise the ?deployment, real or imagined, of magical means for material ends?. They add that the discourse is entirely about ?modernity? and ?neoliberalism?. Here I fundamentally disagree with this explanation; I indicate that it is a cultural continuity. The paper contends that ritual killing and muthi use continues into the present and was prevalent during the political violence in KwaZulu-Natal during the 1980s and 1990s. Secondly, the paper will discuss the centrality of the use of muthi during the violence. I reason that izinyanga...


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