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Journal article

Theorising the African digital public sphere: a West African odyssey


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AUC Library
Taylor & Francis Group
Africa | Western Africa

This theoretical discussion about the impact of information and communication technologies on journalistic practices and the digital public spheres in West Africa, asks two key questions: 1) To what extent does the ICT-enabled impact on journalism practice contribute to the rejuvenation of the public sphere in African societies, and 2) What are the methodological changes of investigating these contributions? Scholars have argued that advances in ICTs can be used to initiate alternative forms of news production and citizen engagement that would either augment the efforts of the mainstream news media in African countries or, if need be, bypass the challenges they face. This argument sits well within current debates about the use and impact of ICTs on news consumption, journalistic practices, and the expansion of the public sphere. As many African countries still aspire towards functioning and modern democratic structures, there is a clear need for further academic discussion on, and...


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