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Journal article

Tablet-based Disclosure Counselling for HIV-infected Children, Adolescents, and their Caregivers: A Pilot Study


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AUC Library
Taylor & Francis Group
Africa | Eastern Africa

Background: Overwhelmed, under-trained medical staff working in resource-limited settings need efficient resources for HIV disclosure counselling. The objective of this study was to describe providers' experiences using tablet computers for disclosure-related counselling with HIV-infected children and their caregivers in western Kenya, with additional perspectives from adolescents. Methods: A qualitative study design was implemented at three HIV clinics in western Kenya (Bumala, Busia and Port Victoria) within the Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH) partnership. Twenty-one healthcare providers involved with paediatric disclosure were recruited and enrolled in the study. Initial interviews focused on understanding current disclosure practices and barriers. Tablets containing disclosure-related resources were distributed. Resources included short narrative videos created in this context to highlight issues relevant to child HIV disclosure. Results: Providers...


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