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Beyond numbers : the impact of TfP training on peacekeeping in Africa : fact file


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The Training for Peace (TfP) Programme is an international capacity-building programme funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its strategic goal is to build sustainable African capacity for peace operations in the United Nations (UN), African Union (AU) and African regional economic communities/regional mechanisms (RECs/RMs). The programme seeks to contribute to this goal in two ways: through the development of competent peacekeeping personnel, and by supporting the strengthening of organisational systems in the UN, AU and RECs/RMs. To achieve the first objective, TfP partners provide contextual and high-quality training, as well as contribute to the development and strengthening of well-functioning recruitment and roster systems. The second objective is achieved through supporting the development of appropriate policy frameworks utilised by the stakeholders in peace operations, as well as carrying out relevant and high-quality research.


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