CD-ROM contain training material and proceedings of all the WPA activities: Ground Water Management in the Framework of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), 2-15 May, 2006, Cairo-Egypt, Role of Artificial Recharge of Groundwater in MENA Region, 21 May-June3, 2006, Cairo-Egypt, Regional Workshop on Desalination Renewable Energy, April 26-28, 2005, Training Course on Water Conservation and Wastewater Management, Eritrea, June 14-23, 2005, Water Programme for Africa: Isotopes Application to Artificial Recharge, International Conference on Water Security and Hydrological Extremes: Towards Sustainable Development in Africa, 27th February-2nd March 2006, Abuja, Nigeria, Artificial recharge in Binh Thuan, Viet Nam
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