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Economic & Sector Work :: Country Procurement Assessment (CPAR)

Nigeria : Country Procurement Assessment Report, Volume 1. Summary of Findings and Recommendations


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Washington, DC
Africa | Nigeria
2013-07-01T21:32:08Z | 2013-07-01T21:32:08Z | 2000-06-30

This Country Procurement Assessment Report (CPAR) for Nigeria reviews the procurement system in terms of: legal framework, public sector procurement of goods/works/consultants, procurement performance in Bank-financed projects, private sector procurement, trade practices, financial framework, and electronic commerce. The report consists of two volumes. The first volume contains a summary of findings and recommendations and an Action Plan for implementing the recommendations. The second volume contains the main text and supporting. The report recommends: a) the enactment of a procurement law to underpin the reforms being proposed; b) the establishment of a Public Procurement Commission to be vested with oversight responsibilities for public procurement; c) the revision of key areas of the Financial Regulations to make them more transparent; d) a complete restructuring of the tender boards and approval procedures for contracts; and e) building procurement capacity in the public sector through restoration of professionalism in procurement and intensive training of procurement staff.


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