The Debt Management Performance Assessment (DeMPA) is a methodology for assessing government Debt Management (DeM) performance through a comprehensive set of indicators spanning the full range of DeM functions. The assessment reveals that Burkina Faso's DeM institutions' performance meets minimum requirements in six out of the fifteen debt performance indicators. All external loans that are contracted by the government respect a 35 percent minimum concessionality condition and are analyzed and approved by a debt committee; formal evaluation reports are produced for each project considered. Finally, Burkina has a fairly well-managed front office that concentrates relations with all donors and is thus better able to maximize the volume of concessional financing and avoid non-concessional borrowing. Nevertheless, Burkina Faso does not meet the minimum requirements in a total of fourteen dimensions across nine Debt Performance Indicator's (DPIs), and it only exceeds the minimum requirements in four indicators, underlining the critical importance of maintaining and strengthening the reform momentum. Finally, a long-term objective should be to separate the policy and technical aspects of debt management. At present, National Public Debt Committee (CNDP) is involved in both: on the policy side, it approves the debt policy and debt strategy; on the technical side, it discusses each loan, verifying that projects are well designed and the underlying financing arrangement is appropriate.
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