The World Bank commissioned a capacity assessment study of the Ministry of Health (MOH) that was undertaken in March 2006. The terms of reference covered the following areas: Identify the existing analytical work being done by other donors in the health field and summarize their terms of reference and main conclusions; assess the MOH capacity to implement health policies and strategies adopted by the government; assess the MOH capacity to implement projects financed by the Bank, the Global fund, EU and others focusing the analysis on the MOH capacity for policy formulation, mobilization of funds, and program implementation; assess the capacity at central, provincial and municipal level in (i) program management, (ii) service delivery, including the number and distribution of staff; analyze the decision making process and the incentives for decision making including how much the system is centralized or decentralized; analyze the existing stock of health professionals including the MOH and military, identifying key constraints and gaps in capacity, government plans to increase capacity; existing training institutions and their capacity to produce new professionals and follow-up training; propose options for short term and long-term interventions including training managers, training of doctors and nurses, recruitment, on-job-training, review of curricula and other; make cost estimates of short term capacity building interventions that could be financed by the Bank and other donors; and identify future work that may be needed to undertake deeper or follow-up analysis.
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