This publication presents a protocol to be used when implementing the Quality, Relevance and Comprehensiveness of Impact Mitigation Services (QIMS) Survey in Swaziland. It also serves as a supervision tool for the National Emergency Council on HIV and AIDS (NERCHA) to oversee implementation of the QIMS Survey. The protocol was initially written for the Pilot+ Survey field test of the draft QIMS questionnaire, and revised to reflect lessons learned. The protocol guides the management, methodology and procedures for the periodic QIMS and production of a report on the survey findings. Section 1 of the report describes the design of the protocol, the background of impact mitigation in Swaziland, and the rationale and objectives for the QIMS. Section 2 describes how to manage a QIMS survey. Section 3 lays out the procedures for start-up, field planning, survey, and sampling design. Section 4 describes the procedures for ethical approval, training, and questionnaire finalization. Section 5 describes the field preparations and implementation for the survey. Section 6 tells how the data was entered, validated, and cleaned up. Section 7 presents data analysis, report preparation, and disseminating and using the QIMS results
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