An Integrated Fiduciary Assessment (IFA) was conducted for the proposed Transformation of Agriculture Sector Program Phase-3 (PSTA 3) Program-for-Results (PforR) operation. The assessment used the DRAFT Guidance Notes on Program-for-Results Operations and Requirements of OP/BP 9.00, Program for Results, (PforR). The OECD-DAC four pillars approach was also used to define the inherent risks in the procurement environment. The assessment covered the institutions directly responsible for the program, namely: Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI), Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB), and National Agriculture Export Board (NAEB); Rwanda Public Procurement Authority (RPPA); National Public Prosecution Authority (NPPA); Office of the Ombudsman (OM); Office of the Auditor General (OAG); and one District Council from each of the four provinces based on the size of budget transfers and population. The assessment also involved discussions with key nonstate actors and stakeholders, including the Private Sector Federation and member confederations, Transparency International (TI) Rwanda chapter, and the National Cooperatives Confederation of Rwanda.
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