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Working Paper

One Year On : Review of Country Initiatives in Public Participation in the Roll Out of Devolution

access to information accountability active engagement administrative capacity budget analysis budget consultations budget cycle budget formulation budget making process budget preparation budget process Budget Review Cabinet Capacity Building Cities citizen engagement citizen groups citizen input citizen participation civic engagement civil service civil society civil society actors civil society organizations collaboration community based organizations community radio Constituency constituents Consultation cost of participation county executives county governments data collection decision making decision-making processes development projects DEVOLUTION effective implementation effective mechanisms effective participation elected representatives Electronic media enabling environment engaging citizens face-to-face meetings facilitators Fact sheets flexibility Freedom of Information freedom of information laws government officials Governor governors Housing human resource human resource management information laws information legislation information sharing informed citizenry institutional capacity intermediaries interviews laws Legal Framework legislation legislative framework Legislative Requirements legislators Local Government local governments local leaders local level local officials Local Participation marginalized groups mobilization models of participation multiple channels municipalities Municipality national government national governments openness opinion poll outreach Parliament participation mechanisms participatory processes people with disabilities performance monitoring policy makers policy making political economy political supporters political will preparation Public Public Consultation public engagement public finance public financial management public information public interest public meetings public outreach Public Participation public servants Public Service regulatory framework representatives service capacity Service Delivery social accountability Social Development stakeholders traditional media transparency Urban Areas urban poor urban services use of media village villages

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World Bank Group, Washington, DC
Africa | Kenya
2015-04-02T15:37:12Z | 2015-04-02T15:37:12Z | 2015-02

The roll-out of devolution has been formally underway since March 2013 when county governments were established under the 2010 Constitution. The period under review is April 2013 to June 2014, which enables observations of public engagement in preparation of the 2013-2014 county budgets (between April-June 2013) and the 2014-2015 county budgets (between September 2013-June 2014). This paper reviews initial county initiatives on public participation and possible interventions to improve the overall design and implementation of participatory systems going forward.


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