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Washington, DC
Africa | East Asia and Pacific | Europe and Central Asia | Latin America & Caribbean | South Asia | Middle East and North Africa
2013-10-07T15:28:33Z | 2013-10-07T15:28:33Z | 2013-10-07

The World Bank Group will focus its financial and technical resources to ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity in a sustainable manner, especially in fragile states, Sub-Saharan Africa, and South Asia. To this end, it is pulling its specialized agencies (IBRD, IDA, IFC, MIGA) to work more closely in all the areas of engagement, from data collection to socio-economic analysis, technical policy advice, lending, investment, risk mitigation, training and knowledge, as well as looking to strengthen partnerships worldwide, especially within the private sector. Implementation of the Strategy will require organizational change and a new framework for medium-term financial sustainability to ensure that its resources are commensurate with the roles and responsibilities it carries out on behalf of the international community. Translated into action, the Strategy will reposition the World Bank Group to help transform the lives of the nearly 4 billion people still living in or at the edge of extreme poverty.


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