The note summarizes the findings of the Africa Forest Strategy Paper, which responded to the problems confronting forest resources in the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), providing a comprehensive overview, and analysis of the forest sector, and mapping a set of actions for consideration by African countries. The diagnosis highlights the nexus between rapid population growth, environmental degradation, and poor agricultural performance, which provides the basic context within which deforestation, and forest degradation are taking place in SSA. Fundamental challenges the region faces are the prevention of wasteful deforestation by correcting distortionary policies, and improving sustainable use; resource base increases, by broadening vegetative propagation, and tree planting; and, revival of the wood industry to enhance competitiveness. However, these challenges need to strike a balance between economic development, and conservation aims, and key actions encourage forest policy and legislative reform, strengthened by capacity building and human resources development, supported by local communities and the private sector involvement, towards improving forest-related knowledge, and technology. Areas identified for a new Bank lending strategy include the promotion of policy reforms, support investments in critical areas, as well as capacity building, and, an improved donor coordination.
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