The IOC is already implementing several programmes funded by the European Union, concerned with - aquatic resource management and protection of the marine environment. However, to provide more coherence to these initiatives and to promote effective and sustainable management of the shared aquatic resources, a regional fishery and aquaculture strategy is being established.Twenty countries are participating in this project and have been engaged in an exercise to consider the future development of their fishery sectors.The aim of this exercise is to establish a sustainable fisheries management strategy for the region. The project is entitled, SmartFish. Students of SmartFish countries, together with their teachers, have been invited to participate in this project with a view to identifying problems associated with their aquatic environment and to propose short- and long-term solutions which will meet the needs of the population whilst preserving fish stocks. This strategy takes into accou nt the need to have access to pertinent and reliable data on species and ecosystems.This will enable the region to respond to the present incapacity to set up common management strategies and control measures to prevent illegal fishing and the loss of competitive advantages guaranteed by the preferential status of ACP countries.The main objectives of the programme aim to consolidate the traditional fishery sector, promote aquaculture to enable greater added value of catches and to strengthen the food security of the region. Raising awareness of young people and civil society remains a priority to ensure the protection of aquatic ecosystems and to respond to the concept of sustainable development.
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