Through the FAO-NORAD project, survey data was used to “map” women’s organizations and assess their present capacities and needs in the small-scale fisheries sector. Data collection for this study (herein referred to as the Women’s SSF Mapping Assessment) in Sierra Leone focused on five districts: Kambia, Port Loko, Moyamba, Bonthe and Pujehun. Between 26 February and 15 March 2021, a total of 59 groups were surveyed (for a full overview of data collection and methods, see Appendix 1), including 10 groups in Pujehun, 11 groups in Port Loko, 18 groups in Kambia, 13 groups in Bonthe and 7 groups in Moyamba. The results of this study and related recommendations for capacity enhancement activities were later validated by stakeholders at the National Inception and Consultative Workshop, held 22 June 2021 in Freetown. Twenty participants attended the workshop, including representatives from all five coastal districts. A variety of stakeholders provided their input on the recommendations to enhance the capacity of women’s small-scale fisheries organizations, including the minister, director and other senior staff members from the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR), fisheries out-station personnel, and community stakeholders (e.g. Community Management Associations [CMAs], women fishworkers).
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