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Supporting aquaculture development in Africa: Research Network on Integration of Aquaculture and Irrigation


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2023-10-05T14:09:15Z | 2023-10-05T14:09:15Z | 1998 | 2020-12-03T12:25:13.0000000Z

This is the report of a mission fielded in October-November 1997 to visit successively Ghana, Burkina Faso, Mali, Zambia and Zimbabwe, previously identified as potential contributors to a research network on the integration of aquaculture and irrigation, including fishery enhancement in small water bodies. Available resources (infrastructure, staff, finances) for aquaculture and irrigation research, as well as the development status of these two sub-sectors, were identified and evaluated. Inte rest and willingness to participate in the network were ascertained Main findings were the following: In general, resources are very limited except for infrastructure in Ghana and Zambia, where human resources should also improve in the near future. Government resources to support aquaculture development are rather limited, particularly in Burkina Baso, Mali and Zimbabwe. Although some private initiatives exist in Mali and Ghana, they are particularly developed in Zambia. This contributes t o make of Zambia one of the main aquaculture producers in sub-Saharan Africa. Currently, most SWB fishery enhancement activities are private iniatives, either at village level in Mali and Ghana or at farm level in Zambia and Zimbabwe. Guidelines are now being finalized by ALCOM for the rapid evaluation of SWB fishery potential and for community-based enhancement/management of SWB fish resources in southern African countries. Several types of integration of aquaculture and irrigation hav e been tried in Mali and Ghana, on a relatively small scale. The Zambia SPFS is actively carrying out trials on small-scale fish farming integration in wetland areas. Large-scale schemes with surface irrigation and full or partial water control are particularly well developed in Mali, but also in Zambia and Zimbabwe where more than 20000ha are available. The largest irrigation potential exists in Ghana. Good potential is also present in Mali and Zambia. The Special Programme on Food Sec urity is well ahead in Zambia and has been initiated in the field in Burkina Faso. In Mali, it is still in the preparatory phase, while in Ghana and Zimbabwe, the National Programme is under preparation. National institutions to become involved in the African


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