Durante a guerra fria o mundo ocidental em geral considerava os movimentos nacionais de libertação na Guiné Bissau e na África Austral como ”terroristas” e/ou ”comunistas”. A Suécia constituiu uma excepção, tendo depois sido seguida pelos outros países nórdicos. Com base numa decisão parlamentar aprovada por uma larga maioria, a Suécia tornou-se, em 1969, o primeir...
In 1969, the Swedish parliament endorsed a policy of direct assistance to the liberation movements in Southern Africa. Sweden thus became the first Western country to enter into a relationship with organizations that elsewhere in the West were shunned as ‘Communist’ or ‘terrorist’. This book traces the background to the relationship. Presenting the actors and the f...
In 1969, the Swedish parliament endorsed a policy of direct assistance to the liberation movements in Southern Africa. Sweden thus became the first Western country to enter into a relationship with organizations that elsewhere in the West were shunned as ‘Communist’ or ‘terrorist’. This book traces the background to the relationship. Presenting the actors and the f...