This paper analyzes the effectiveness of technical assistance provided by AFRITAC West (AFW) in the area of national accounts using the Fund's Technical Assistance Information Management System (TAIMS). The challenge has been to report on "ultimate outcomes" (i.e., the production and dissemination of national accounts statistics along best international practices) ...
This paper analyzes the effectiveness of technical assistance provided by AFRITAC West (AFW) in the area of national accounts using the Fund's Technical Assistance Information Management System (TAIMS). The challenge has been to report on "ultimate outcomes" (i.e., the production and dissemination of national accounts statistics along best international practices) ...
This paper analyzes the effectiveness of technical assistance provided by AFRITAC West (AFW) in the area of national accounts using the Fund's Technical Assistance Information Management System (TAIMS). The challenge has been to report on "ultimate outcomes" (i.e., the production and dissemination of national accounts statistics along best international practices) ...
The 137Cs method uses traces of nuclear activity to measure soil loss, and constitutes a relatively swift and cost-effective means of collecting data on soil erosion as compared to more conventional methods. This guide covers the main principles, sampling strategy, gamma spectroscopic measurements, estimation of erosion rates with conversion models, data interpreta...
This Joint Staff Advisory Note discusses Afghanistan’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper's annual progress report. Afghanistan has experienced a number of extraordinary challenges that delayed its implementation. The security situation deteriorated markedly and has been dominated by the cross-border Taliban insurgency. Growth started to recover from a devastating dr...
This Joint Staff Advisory Note discusses Afghanistan’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper's annual progress report. Afghanistan has experienced a number of extraordinary challenges that delayed its implementation. The security situation deteriorated markedly and has been dominated by the cross-border Taliban insurgency. Growth started to recover from a devastating dr...
This guide is a collection of practical information aimed at facilitating the establishment of allocated zones for aquaculture (AZAs) in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. It provides detailed information on the process involved in the establishment of an AZA, including site selection and planning for aquaculture. The publication provides a brief overview of the...
This report examines case studies from Croatia, the Czech Republic, Finland and other European countries, to identify good practices regarding data systems currently in use and recommend solutions for some of the challenges facing the management of bodies of inland water. Inland fisheries are important sources of ecosystem services contributing to human diets...
By providing ratios of raw material input to output for wood-based forest products in 37 countries, this book helps analysts, policymakers, forest practitioners and forest-based manufacturers to understand the drivers of efficiency, feasibility and economics in relevant sectors. The term “forest product conversion factors” is used to cover a broad spectrum of...
Guyana continues to make progress in laying the foundation for poverty reduction, but at a slow pace. Critical issues remain to be addressed. Establishing an environment for sustained growth remains the main challenge for the government. It will be important to maintain the reform momentum and ensure basic security. An effective monitoring and evaluation framework ...