Durante a guerra fria o mundo ocidental em geral considerava os movimentos nacionais de libertação na Guiné Bissau e na África Austral como ”terroristas” e/ou ”comunistas”. A Suécia constituiu uma excepção, tendo depois sido seguida pelos outros países nórdicos. Com base numa decisão parlamentar aprovada por uma larga maioria, a Suécia tornou-se, em 1969, o primeir...
Durante a guerra fria o mundo ocidental em geral considerava os movimentos nacionais de libertação na Guiné Bissau e na África Austral como ”terroristas” e/ou ”comunistas”. A Suécia constituiu uma excepção, tendo depois sido seguida pelos outros países nórdicos. Com base numa decisão parlamentar aprovada por uma larga maioria, a Suécia tornou-se, em 1969, o primeir...
<p>Innehåll: Historia -- Ekonomi och befolkning -- Sociala förhållanden -- 1961 -- Kriget -- Utlandets reaktion -- Framväxten av motståndsrörelserna -- MPLA -- FNLA -- UNITA -- Splittringens problem -- Afrikanska partier och rörelser i Angola </p>
Sweden’s and the other Nordic countries’ support for the national liberation process and struggle against apartheid was unique in the international context both in regard to the size of the financial support and the extensive popular involvement. This book attempts to document the involvement of Sweden in the Southern African struggles against colonialism, occupati...
Sweden’s and the other Nordic countries’ support for the national liberation process and struggle against apartheid was unique in the international context both in regard to the size of the financial support and the extensive popular involvement. This book attempts to document the involvement of Sweden in the Southern African struggles against colonialism, occupati...
Sweden’s and the other Nordic countries’ support for the national liberation process and struggle against apartheid was unique in the international context both in regard to the size of the financial support and the extensive popular involvement. This book attempts to document the involvement of Sweden in the Southern African struggles against colonialism, occupati...
Sweden’s and the other Nordic countries’ support for the national liberation process and struggle against apartheid was unique in the international context both in regard to the size of the financial support and the extensive popular involvement. This book attempts to document the involvement of Sweden in the Southern African struggles against colonialism, occupati...