The COP28 committee on the Loss and Damage Fund must ensure Africans displaced by climate change are covered.
The COP28 committee on the Loss and Damage Fund must ensure Africans displaced by climate change are covered.
If the continent is to capitalise on the benefits of urbanisation, cities must prepare for weather-driven migration.
The region desperately needs climate adaptation funds but loses out to countries with strong institutional capacity and competitive markets.
This policy brief explores climate-linked mobility in Africa and the barriers to realising the opportunities it presents.
Moving communities at risk is better than dealing with emergencies, but relocations have a fraught political history in Africa.
Europe's focus on returns risks destabilising receiving countries and aggravating the root causes of migration.
Statelessness in Southern Africa is driven primarily by colonial history, border changes, migration, poor civil registry systems, and discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity and religion. There are concerning signs that states are using statelessness as a tool for managing migration. To the benefit of all involved, governments must act against statelessnes...