1. We are pleased to present to you the Third CAADP Biennial Review Report which is the main mutual accountability tool to track the progress of the African Union (AU) Member States in implementing the Malabo Declaration, with 51 countries reporting in 2021 – up from 49 countries in 2019 and 43 in 2017. 2. This report was endorsed by the assembly of African Heads ...
The illegal trade in wild fauna and flora involves the harvesting, procurement, transport, and distribution both domestically and internationally, of animals and plants, as well as their parts and derivatives, in violation of laws and treaties. It ranges in scale from single items being traded locally to commercial containers shipped worldwide to international mark...
Unsafe food threatens human health and maintains the unacceptable status quo in food insecurity, poverty and a range of health related problems making national development and lasting peace more challenging. Contaminated foods adversely affect human health, economic development and trade, and disproportionally affect children and other vulnerable groups (young, old...
The African Union Assembly of Heads of State and Government adopted the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP) in 2003 in Maputo, Mozambique as the Flagship Programme of the African Union for agriculture and food security. The Maputo Declaration on CAADP sets broad targets of 6 percent annual growth in agricultural GDP, and allocation of at...