This study forms part of a broader study by the Oil and Gas Policy Division(COCPO) to identify reasons for the Liquid Petroleum Gas market (LPG market) failure in some selected countries, including Ghana. It is sequel to a similar study carried out in Nigeria in 2002. It is expected that lessons learned from the Nigeria study will be cautiously applied to other countries that are likely to benefit from similar investigative and analytical work. The objectives of this study are to investigate and identify impediments to LPG market development in Ghana; develop a strategy for market take-off / expansion for Ghana s domestic LPG market; expand access to LPG by all, including the poor in Ghana. The target is to achieve a per capita LPG consumption equivalent to the average of other West African countries which, according to data available from a World Bank/ World LPG Association (WLPGA) study for West Africa, has been estimated to be on the order of 3.7 kg. Another recent study, the UN Millennium Project, recommends, inter alia, that countries should ensure that at least 50% of households currently using traditional biomass for cooking be provided with easier access to modern cooking fuels by 2015, if they are to achieve their Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
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