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MIGA Annual Report 2012

Access to financing accountability accounting Advisory Services arbitration Audit Committee bank financing bank lending Banking Services business development business volume Capital Adequacy capital base capital constraints capital expenditures capital injection Capital Market Capital Market Development capital markets capitals central banks claimant commercial bank commercial banks commercial lender commercial lenders commodity prices Communication Technology consolidation corporate governance corporate investors corruption credit agencies credit agency credits currency currency risk debt debt crisis debt financing debt levels deficits demonstration effects developing countries developing country Development Bank Development Company Dispute Resolution diversification domestic capital domestic capital market due diligence economic developments economic growth economies of scale emerging markets employment enabling environment equity fund equity funds equity investment equity investments equity stake Eurobond expenditures expropriation expropriations fee income Finance Corporation financial challenges financial crises financial crisis Financial Infrastructure financial innovation Financial market financial markets Financial Obligations Financial Services Financial Statements financial support financing Access financing facility fiscal deficits foreign bank foreign direct investment foreign investment foreign investor foreign investors free loans gender gender equality global economy global investment Guarantee Agency Guarantee Fund Holder Investor holding Holdings host countries host country host governments human resources inequality inflation Infrastructure Development infrastructure investment infrastructure investments institutional investors Insurance insurance industry insurance market International Bank International Development International Finance international financial institutions investment banking Investment Climate Investment Income investment plans investment projects investment risk investor confidence Islamic Development Bank Islamic finance issuance job creation lender lenders liquidity ratio living standards LLC loan loan facility loan guarantee loan portfolio loan syndications local economy local governments low-income countries Macroeconomic instability macroeconomic risk macroeconomic stability market participants microfinance middle-income countries Monetary Authority money markets multilateral development banks multinational new business new markets new products operating income outreach outreach efforts Partial Risk payment obligations penetration rate political economy Political Risk Political Risk Insurance political risks political stability portfolio private capital private equity private financing Private Investment private investors private sector development private sector lenders public-private partnership public-private partnerships Real Estate reinsurance reserves return returns risk aversion risk exposure Risk Management risk mitigation risk of expropriation risk perceptions risk profile risk profiles safety nets Settlement shareholder shareholders short-term liquidity social responsibility social safety nets sovereign debt sovereign risk start-up stock markets subsidiaries subsidiary support infrastructure sustainable development sustainable growth swap Technical Assistance telecommunications Terrorism trade finance traffic congestion tranches transaction Transport Transportation Services treaty Trust Fund trust funds underwriters Union village withdrawal world economy

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Washington, DC: World Bank
Africa | East Asia and Pacific | Europe and Central Asia | Latin America & Caribbean | South Asia | Middle East and North Africa
2013-01-08T19:39:47Z | 2013-01-08T19:39:47Z | 2012-10

In fiscal year 2012, a total issue of $2.7 billion in guarantees for projects in Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency's (MIGA's) developing member countries and an additional $10.6 million was issued under MIGA administered trust funds. This is another record high for new issuance by the Agency, the second consecutive year of this trend, and was marked by increased regional and sectoral diversification. Fifty-eight percent of projects guaranteed, accounting for 70 percent of the total volume of new coverage, address at least one of MIGA's four strategic priority areas. Fiscal year 2012 also marks the fifth consecutive year of record levels in the Agency's gross portfolio. MIGA issued $2.7 billion in guarantees in support of investments in developing countries. The Agency welcomed two new members, Niger and South Sudan, during the fiscal year. This report highlights MIGA's active support for these objectives in fiscal year 2012. It demonstrates the Agency's ability to deliver on its mandate to promote foreign direct investment into developing countries to support economic growth, reduce poverty, and improve people's lives. As the global investment environment becomes increasingly volatile, and MIGA's clients look for opportunities in frontier markets, there is greater interest in political risk-mitigation mechanisms. MIGA has positioned itself well to respond to these developments especially as a result of its stronger field presence and internal reforms over the last two years. MIGA is committed to promoting projects that promise a strong development impact and are economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable. MIGA's projects this past year demonstrate this focus in a wide range of sectors, across all regions. In fiscal year 2012 the Agency's projects in the region accounted for 24 percent of volume, twice the level of the previous year.


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