Over the past 18 months, the World Bank has been working on a comprehensive plan to address the challenge of productive jobs in Tanzania. This study represents a step towards a better understanding of how to promote job creation in Tanzania. Indeed, the growth of productive jobs is vital for alleviating poverty and promoting shared prosperity - two important goals of Tanzania's economic strategy. This booklet highlights the three-pillar plan for job creation derived from the Tanzania country economic memorandum. The first pillar looks at job creation from the angle of small non-farm businesses, which have been growing very fast during the rapid urbanization. The second pillar focuses on farms because those still capture the largest share of employment in Tanzania, while the third pillar discusses the job-creation potential associated with business expansion into new markets. By focusing on a comprehensive set of concrete actions, the goal is to stimulate debate as well as to build ownership and accountability among policy-makers and key stakeholders in the country.
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