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Taylor and Francis
Africa | Central Africa | East Africa | Southern Africa | Congo, Democratic Republic of | Nigeria | South Africa | Uganda | Zambia
2017-01-11T16:54:53Z | 2017-01-11T16:54:53Z | 2016-12-14

This year marks the 35th since AIDS was first identified and the epidemic faces a ‘mid-life’ crisis. It seems to us it is time to take stock of both the successes we have meet and the challenges we face. In this editorial for the final issue of AJAR in 2016 we do this. We warned of the potential devastation AIDS would wreak across Africa, but this went unheard. We watched with dismay as colleagues and friends sickened and died, and the political leaders initially ignored what was to come. In this editorial we look at the best of times – where things went well; and the worst of times – where the challenges lie.


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