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Health Equity and Financial Protection Datasheets : Middle East and North Africa


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World Bank, Washington, DC
Middle East and North Africa | Middle East | North Africa | Egypt, Arab Republic of | Jordan | Morocco | Syrian Arab Republic | Tunisia | Yemen, Republic of
2017-06-02T19:04:21Z | 2017-06-02T19:04:21Z | 2012-08-22

The health equity and financial protection datasheets provide a picture of equity and financial protection in the health sectors of low-and middle-income countries. Topics covered include: inequalities in health outcomes, health behavior and health care utilization; benefit incidence analysis; financial protection; and the progressivity of health care financing. Data are drawn from the demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), World Health Surveys (WHS), Multiple indicators cluster Surveys (MicS), living Standards and Measurement Surveys (lSMS), as well as other household surveys where available. The tables in this section show how health outcomes, risky behaviors and health care utilization vary across asset (wealth) quintiles and periods. The quintiles are based on an asset index constructed using principal components analysis. The tables show the mean values of the indicator for each quintile, as well as for the sample as a whole. Also shown are the concentration indices which capture the direction and degree of inequality.


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