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World Bank, Washington, DC
Africa | Senegal
Mziray, Elizabeth | Görgens, Marelize | Shubber, Zara
2018-02-27T19:48:47Z | 2018-02-27T19:48:47Z | 2016-12-01

The report summarizes the findings of an allocative efficiency analysis to support Senegal's national HIV response. Senegal has recently developed a National HIV Strategic Plan (NSP) (2014–17) and a Global Fund concept note (2015–17). The Government of Senegal would like to mobilize additional domestic and private resources for comprehensive HIV services to respond to the goals of the national HIV Strategic Plan. To assure that the resources that have been, or will be, mobilized are used in the most efficient way, and to determine the allocation of resources that brings the greatest health benefit, the Government requested the World Bank to conduct this allocative efficiency analysis, using the Optima mathematical model.


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