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Publications & Research :: Annual Report

A Stronger, Connected, Solutions World Bank Group : An Overview of the World Bank Group Strategy


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Washington, DC
Africa | East Asia and Pacific | Europe and Central Asia | Latin America & Caribbean | South Asia | Middle East and North Africa
2013-10-07T14:47:00Z | 2013-10-07T14:47:00Z | 2013-10-07

The World Bank Group has developed a new Strategy focusing on the ambitious goals of ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity in a sustainable manner. It is committed to helping countries reach these goals with proven solutions that integrate the WBG's development knowledge and financial services. The WBG will expand and strengthen its partnerships, especially within the private sector, to help align a global effort to sustainably meet the two goals. To better meet the growing needs of its clients, the WBG will collaborate more fully to leverage the strengths of its agencies in helping to overcome the greatest development challenges facing its client countries.


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