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World Bank, Washington, DC
Middle East and North Africa
2017-05-05T22:03:09Z | 2017-05-05T22:03:09Z | 2015-07

The workforce development (WfD) systems of the seven MENA countries studied in this exercise—Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, the Palestinian Territories, Tunisia, and Yemen—were evaluated using the Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER) workforce development diagnostic tool and scored similarly in many aspects. Broadly, the seven MENA countries’ WfD systems remain very much in need of policy and institutional reform in order to better match skills demand with skills supply. With respect to the three system dimensions identified by the SABER tool, the seven countries show more variation among their strategic frameworks and, on average, score better in this dimension, while they score lower and more similarly on the dimensions of system oversight and service delivery.


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