Cairo, the biggest mega city in African continent and entire Arab world, has suffered from wide range of city issues including healthcare, public security, environment, transportation, education, information technology (IT) infrastructure, etc. Smart city solutions and services can be an effective tool to alleviate the problems of cities and increase the welfare of Cairo citizens. The current policy note includes the quick-win projects with budgets and actions for smart Cairo, strategy framework and key success factors for the actions with milestones, questionnaire survey results with smart city focus, action plans categorized by quick-win, midterm, long-term projects reflecting human resources, business, technology, process, information, governance, social, demographical, city specific, and cultural aspects. With more details, action plans of top 10 quick-win projects for smart Cairo are as follows; (1) capacity building for healthcare services with hospital information system (HIS), (2) integrated smart closed-circuit television (CCTV) system design and pilot implementation, (3) solid waste management design and pilot project, (4) emission test system and database for vehicles, (5) redesign Cairo traffic flow and public transportation, (6) T-money card (transportation payment card), (7) call taxi service for disabled people, (8) e-learning systems against illiteracy in local areas, (9) cloud based software defined data center (SDDC) for smart city services, and (10) citizen service center innovation (one-stop service).
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