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World Bank, Washington, DC
Africa | South Asia | Bangladesh | Cambodia | Cameroon | Madagascar | Nigeria | Rwanda | Tanzania
2019-04-18T18:35:46Z | 2019-04-18T18:35:46Z | 2018-09-26

This issue focuses on Health and Nutrition and features the following articles: The Critical Role of Health and Nutrition in Supporting Development; The Income Losses from Childhood Stunting—and the Returns to Nutrition Programs Aimed at Reducing It; Measuring Physical Activity to Investigate the Link between Health and Productivity; Bed Nets and Politics in Tanzania; Investigating the Joint Effects of Parenting and Nutrition on Child Development; How Do Targeted Cash Transfers Affect Nutrition among Nonbeneficiary Children? Cities, Slums, and Child Nutrition in Bangladesh; The Dynamics of Child Development in a Very Low-Income Country; Can Offering People Gifts Increase Their Use of Health Services? Looking into the Black Box of Performance-Based Financing; The Importance of Good Roads in Access to Health Care; and Recent World Bank Research Publications on Health and Nutrition.


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