This report gives an overview of key elements for developing peatland maps and integrating them into national land use monitoring systems and reporting processes. It describes the advantages and limitations of different choices and offers practical guidance to facilitate decision-making.
Global conventions and national policy frameworks recognize the importance of peatlands for protecting habitats and biodiversity. They are large and vulnerable carbon stocks, and (when degraded) constitute globally important sources of greenhouse gas emissions. It is important for countries to consider mapping, monitoring and reporting peatlands for national and international processes including general land use planning, and Nationally Determined Contributions.
The report concludes that peatland mapping and monitoring need to be approached as a complex and nuanced exercise. The key attributes of an effective monitoring system that includes peatlands will need a synergistic combination of various remote-sensing techniques together with the application of ground-truthing and field measurements, not overlooking socio-economic and other important factors.
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