In the IMF staff’s view, Honduras’s debt is subject to a moderate risk of distress. The framework follows a methodology for assessing the risk of debt distress in low-income countries (LICs), guided by indicative, country-specific external debt burden thresholds derived from the empirical finding that sustainable debt levels for LICs increase with the quality of po...
In the IMF staff’s view, Honduras’s debt is subject to a moderate risk of distress. The framework follows a methodology for assessing the risk of debt distress in low-income countries (LICs), guided by indicative, country-specific external debt burden thresholds derived from the empirical finding that sustainable debt levels for LICs increase with the quality of po...
The paper analyzes Jamaica's experience of low growth despite consistently high investment. Cross-country analysis provides evidence of a significant and negative relationship between total public debt and productivity growth. Looking at the specific channels through which high debt affects productivity growth and the allocation of resources in Jamaica, the study f...
The paper analyzes Jamaica's experience of low growth despite consistently high investment. Cross-country analysis provides evidence of a significant and negative relationship between total public debt and productivity growth. Looking at the specific channels through which high debt affects productivity growth and the allocation of resources in Jamaica, the study f...