Why (and how) is it important to query into the particular lived experiences and ‘embodied agency’ of women if we want to study urban spaces through the lens of gender? This paper discusses this overarching question in relation to recent dynamic and generative theories of gender, embodiment and agency. This theoretical framework connects subjects’ identities to d...
This dissertation explores how female gender identity is continually created and re-created in Egypt through a number of daily practices, of which female circumcision is central. In order to do so, the study inquires into the lived experiences and social meanings of female circumcision and femininity as narrated by women from lower class neighbourhoods in Cairo. Th...
This dissertation explores how female gender identity is continually created and re-created in Egypt through a number of daily practices, of which female circumcision is central. In order to do so, the study inquires into the lived experiences and social meanings of female circumcision and femininity as narrated by women from lower class neighbourhoods in Cairo. Th...
Artikeln diskuterar varför mat, framför allt mjuk, len och söt mat, bland arbetarklassen (baladi) i Kairo, har en sådan oerhörd symbolisk laddning och vidare dess täta relation till genus, kropp och kvinnlig omskärelse. Genom dagligt tal om mat och genom beredning av mat lär sig flickorna hur en ideal kvinnokropp skall se ut, hur de skall vara och vad som förväntas...
Artikeln diskuterar varför mat, framför allt mjuk, len och söt mat, bland arbetarklassen (baladi) i Kairo, har en sådan oerhörd symbolisk laddning och vidare dess täta relation till genus, kropp och kvinnlig omskärelse. Genom dagligt tal om mat och genom beredning av mat lär sig flickorna hur en ideal kvinnokropp skall se ut, hur de skall vara och vad som förväntas...
The percentage of women aged 15-49 in Egypt who have undergone the procedure of female circumcision, or genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) stands at 91%, according to the latest research carried out by UNICEF. Female circumcision has become a global political minefield with 'Western' interventions affecting Egyptian politics and social development, not least in the...
The percentage of women aged 15-49 in Egypt who have undergone the procedure of female circumcision, or genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) stands at 91%, according to the latest research carried out by UNICEF. Female circumcision has become a global political minefield with 'Western' interventions affecting Egyptian politics and social development, not least in the...